Whistleblowing Line
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Whistleblowing line
Montec is committed to providing a safe environment for our employees and business partners to speak up if they witness misconduct.
If any behaviour violating our Code of Conduct is either seen or suspected, we urge for everyone to report it via our whistleblowing system. This will allow for Montec to investigate and address the issue at hand. Even if one is not sure or does not have all the proper evidence, Montec encourages to share as much information as possible.
Reports can be made anonymously, and all cases are kept confidential, whether personal information is provided or not. The whistleblowing system is hosted on at secure, external website through which anyone can raise concerns safely and anonymously. Montec has zero tolerance for retaliation taken against whistleblowers and witnesses alike.
The whistleblowing line can be used by both internal and external stakeholders such as employees, business partners, suppliers and customers.
You can read our Privacy Policy here.
Visit the whistleblowing system here.